Power Skating

​Coaching Fees

  • Coaching fees are paid directly to the coach at the time of the lesson.
  • Please discuss with your coach their policies for payment

Private Lesson Information

  • See director to be placed with a RoseGarden Ice Arena approved coach for private instruction
  • Fees for ice are paid to the rink (see freestyle application) and fees for the lesson are paid directly to the coach
  • Power skating lessons are held on our freestyle sessions and public skating sessions
  • Hockey players MUST be on the ice with a coach at all times during freestyle session.  Hockey players may practice skating skills only on public skate (Hockey players cannot practice on freestyle ice and must be on lesson)
  • Sticks and pucks CANNOT be used on public skating or freestyle sessions.
  • Supplement your hockey training
  • For all ages and levels
  • ISI membership is required to skate on our freestyle sessions (ISI membership is included in all group lessons at RGIA) Applications are available for membership online and at box office.
  • For guest skaters or non-member subscription skaters, if you want a non-RGIA staff coach to instruct you on an RGIA session, your coach must fill out the required paperwork and application and set up a meeting with Tiesha prior to setting up lessons.  See website for requirement and forms.  Please allow 1-2 weeks prior to the lesson for your coach to set up a meeting and submit required paperwork.