RoseGarden Ice Arena offers freestyle sessions for skaters to practice and to schedule private lessons.  All skaters must be Ice Sports Industry (ISI) members to skate on Open Freestyle ice.  We also offer advanced group lessons and off-ice training for the Intermediate though Elite level ISI and USFS skater.  The RoseGarden Ice Arena is also home to the USFS Norwich Figure Skating Club.  ISI and USFS Test sessions and events are available here at the  RoseGarden.  The most current version of the freestyle/rink schedule can be found at the top right hand of the webpage.

​***Although we do require ISI memberships for both skaters and coaches since RGIA is an ISI member rink, USFS skaters and coaches are welcome to join us but must have a valid/current ISI membership.  For more information on how to obtain the appropriate membership, please contact

Freestyle Ice

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  As of 3/4/19 all skaters who wish to play programs must purchase a RinkMusic key card to play their programs during freestyle sessions.  Key cards are $20 per skater (replacements are $5).  Skaters will upload their music onto the server and use the key card to play their music on.

Subscription ice available

8-11hrs $22/hour, 12-15 hours $20/hour, 16+ hours $18/hour

Must have waiver on file and current ISI membership

Schedule is subject to change

Walk-on $25/hour, see Box-office for subscription ice and rates

Subscription ice does not carry over to the next session.

March/April 2025 Freestyle 




*Schedule is subject to change



Freestyle Fees

  • Walk-on Rate:  $25 per 60 minutes for RoseGarden ISI Members, $30 per 60 minutes for Guest skaters (ALL SKATERS MUST HAVE A CURRENT ISI MEMBERSHIP, waiver, and code of conduct on file)
  • Freestyle sessions are for any skater with a current ISI individual or professional membership.
  • No refunds/no makeups/no session switching.

Coaching Policies:

ALL coaches must be ISI Professional members and approved by RoseGarden management PRIOR to coaching on any RoseGarden Session (freestyle or public session).  To set up a meeting and obtain required paperwork, please contact Maria at  USFS coaches are welcome to coach with the appropriate ISI membership.  All coaches must have Coaches Liability Insurance (ISI, USFS, and PSA insurance accepted) and RoseGarden Ice Arena must be listed as additional insured.

*Please contact Maria 1-2 weeks prior to your first scheduled lesson to ensure all paperwork is processed and allow time to schedule a meeting.

Freestyle Rules

General / Ice Rules
1.      All skaters must have a current ISI Membership (proof of membership required for non-RoseGarden Ice Arena members.  skaters can provide an ISI Membership card or call ahead so we can confirm your membership with the ISI office).
2.      Skaters must sign a RGIA Waiver and RGIA Code of Conduct before going on the ice.
3.      No Game Playing
4.      NO skaters may be on the ice when the Zamboni is resurfacing. Please exit the ice promptly at the end of the session and keep rink door closed until resurfacing is completed.
5.      No standing on the ice.  Skaters must stay moving at all times.
6.      Socializing needs to be conducted off of the ice or at the barrier
7.      Any skater wearing hockey skates or a helmet must be with a coach at all times (no pucks allow on any Freestyle session)
8.      Skaters must have PASSED ISI Delta (in FS1 or higher) to skate on a freestyle session without a coach (no age restriction). Skaters under this level must have the approval of management.
9.      Keep the traffic flow moving through the primary Lutz corners. No stationary coaching in the Lutz corners.
10.    Swearing or yelling at other skaters will not be permitted.  Any skater who acts inappropriately will be warned and then if the problem persists, removed from the ice with no refund (See RGIA Code of Conduct).
11.   Skaters are not permitted to use hand held devices or earphones while skating (coaches are permitted to use handheld devices to choreograph)
12.   Coaches must conduct their lessons from the barrier whenever possible and coaches must yield AT ALL TIMES to the skaters on the session.
13.   Coaches may teach group (semi-private) lessons with no more than 5 skaters per coach.  RGIA Group lessons on Freestyle ice have priority.

14. Ensemble program run-throughs during freestyle sessions may have no more than 2 skaters.

15. For the safety of all skaters, only hand held  props may be used during freestyle sessions.

16. Skaters who do not follow RGIA Ice/Music Rules or RGIA Code of Conduct will be warned.  Any skaters who are in violation of the RGIA rules or code of conduct will be warned.  If further disciplinary action is warranted, the skater may be removed from the ice without refund.



 Music Rules
1.      All skaters must wear a vest to have the right of way when doing their program
2.      Skaters on lesson only have right of way when they are on program
3.      Every skater should have their music played once before any skater has their music played a second time
4.      Skaters need to use the RinkMusic device to play music.  The audio cord may only be used for background music, choreography, or if a skater has               purchased a tag but forgot it.
5.      Restarting of music is not allowed if there is a line.  If you choose to play only a section of a piece of music, that is your choice, and it will count as your program.  When your music is stopped, the next skater in line will played.

Music Rotation Rules

  • The skater on deck can only be bumped by those on lesson
  • Skaters on lesson have priority for their first program ONLY
  • If you are the skater on deck on a busy session, please be ready to skate as quickly as possible
  • Do not congregate at the music box