Figure Skating

RoseGarden Ice Arena offers daily freestyle sessions for skaters to have practice and private lessons.  All skaters must be Ice Skating Institute (ISI) members to skate on Freestyle ice.  We also offer advanced group lessons and off-ice training for the Intermediate though Elite level ISI and USFS skater.  The RoseGarden Ice Arena is also home to the USFS Norwich Figure Skating Club.  ISI and USFS Test sessions and events are available here at the RoseGarden.

***Although we do require ISI memberships for both skaters and coaches since RGIA is an ISI member rink, USFS skaters and coaches are welcome to join us with the purchase of an ISI membership.  For more information on how to obtain a skater or professional membership, please visit the ISI Website.  When purchasing your membership, be sure to list RoseGarden Ice Arena as your home rink.

Please do the online application before you submit your Freestyle application if you require an ISI Membership. If you have not received your membership card, you will need to provide a copy of the receipt from ISI.  Please be sure to list RoseGarden Ice Arena as your home facility when registering.  You may also register for an ISI membership at the box office.

ISI Membership are included with all RoseGarden Ice Arena Programs.  If you have registered for any RoseGarden on-ice classes, you do not need to fill out the ISI Application.  Guest skaters (non RoseGarden home club members) must provide a photocopy of their ISI membership card to skate on any freestyle session.


Skating Director Position Job Description

Skating Director Position application page 1

Skating Director Position application page 2